Care For Your Area Rugs

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Care For Your Area Rugs

Care For Your Area Rugs

Area rugs are common additions to indoor furnishings. From those laid over carpets to others being directly set up on the hardwood, tile or laminate floor surfaces, they come with plenty of benefits to the room, the most obvious being the beauty and appeal. As a decor element, area rugs bring the different elements of the room together, and there is a wide range of colours and styles to choose from. That way, you can have rugs that mesh with your particular décor preferences. With routine rug cleaning, this aesthetic appeal will get to be maintained for long.

Keeping Your Area Rugs In Top Shape

The rugs have different functionalities, and all these are on the line. Take comfort for instance. Area rugs set up at the foot of furniture for people to step on are definitely cosy. It beats putting your feet directly onto the hard surface floor. The area rugs will be softer to the skin and, coupled with their warmth, enable you to relax comfortably. However, the gritty soiling in the area rugs causes the fibres to wear down, which negatively impacts this comfort. The longer that the deep rug cleaning is put off, the faster the rate of deterioration.

Common Mistakes Made During DIY Rug Cleaning

Spot cleaning with an inappropriate product

Laundry detergents and popular formulations like vinegar and bleach-based products that are used when working on other hard surfaces around the home can end up being too harsh for the area rug in question. The type of material of the rug is key during the selection of the products that will be used on them. You can’t just pick a random over-the-counter detergent or carpet shampoo and start scrubbing away at that stain on the area rug. From the synthetic fibres to the natural fibre units, you should use formulations that will be tough on the dirt but gentle on the material itself. Otherwise, there will be cases of the dye that the area rug has been treated with bleeding out, damaging the unit and potentially staining the floor underneath. This kind of damage is usually permanent, and the only recourse is replacing the area rug itself.

Using abrasive tools

Working with gear like hard-bristled brushes can easily ruin the fibres of the area rugs. Methods like steam cleaning can wreak havoc on the natural fibre rugs including those with wool or silk material. Just like the precautions taken when selecting the rug cleaning chemicals to use, care needs to be made when choosing the equipment and processes that one will work with, to avoid cases like the fibres of the rug getting frayed.

Leaving the rugs too wet

This is usually due to using too much cleaning solution, drenching the rug in the product. It can also be attributed to the low capacity machinery that is rented for the clean rug cleaning task, where the power is not sufficient enough to remove the bulk of the moisture content from the rug. Whichever the case, it ends up prolonging the drying time of the unit. This comes with its fair share of troubles. For starters, given that the wet rugs cannot be used in their state, the longer they remain this way the greater the inconvenience to the household members. Moreover, the wet rugs come with the risks of mould growth. With mould developing in the material, more spores will be released into the indoor air space. There are also species of mould that produce mycotoxins, harmful agents that can affect the liver and other organs in the body, as well as the central nervous system. For area rugs that get widespread mould infestations, they end up needing to be replaced, costing you far much more down the road.

In addition to the risk of DIY rug cleaning, there’s the amount of time that the task takes, precious hours that you could have spent doing something you love. After all, the weekends and days off from work are key moments that you should be taking to rest and rejuvenate, not spend them struggling to scrub at stubborn stains. It can be frustrating when, after taking your time to focus on the area rugs, residue remains in the material, or you have a case of stains wicking back up to the surface. All this can be avoided by leaving the rug cleaning to the experts who are equipped to handle it.

Hire The Pros To Work On Your Area Rugs

Having been in the rug cleaning industry for years, we are well versed with the intricacies of the job. Our personnel have been trained to work on the different kinds of area rugs, from the natural to the synthetic fibre units, tackling the wide array of dirt and stain problems. By keeping up to date with the advances in the rug cleaning technology, they are also able to utilise the optimal methods that will restore the elegance and vibrance to your area rugs in minimal time, without putting the structural integrity of the material at risk.

Our personnel have been taken through rigorous background checks, so you can trust the team that will be sent to your premises. They’re a friendly crew, and will be sure to answer any questions that you have about the process, as well as measures you can be undertaking to keep your area rugs in better shape for longer. When there are aspects in the premises that are putting your area rugs at risk, they will bring these to your attention, for you to make arrangements to have the issues resolved early and avoid losses later on.

When it comes to prices, we have structured our rug cleaning to be suited to your particular situation. From the types of area rugs that are to be worked on, the size and number, to the kind of stain problems you’re facing, as well as the time of day that you want us to come in for the job – be it normal working hours or emergency cleaning situations, we have you covered. Talk to us today and book your rug cleaning session.

Care For Your Area Rugs

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